U Registered Trademark

Youra owns U trademark.

Youra is all about U!
Youra positions YOU at the center of YOUR own search engine. The platform that supports YOU is YOURA. Its language is U. U is the center of YOURA. U is the center of OUR. YOURA revolves around U. YOURA is built upon U, OUR, YOU and YOUR.
Google brings the world to YOU. YOURA takes YOU to the world.
Welcome to Youra, your "World of U" where you'll learn about
• The center of YOUR World
• YOUR own search engine.
* The platform that supports YOU is YOURA.
• The language of U.
• U is the center of YOURA.
• U is the center of OUR.
• YOURA revolves around U.
• YOURA is built upon U, YOU and YOUR.
• Google brings the world to YOU. YOURA takes YOU to the world.
In The Beginning . . .
In the beginning was the "I". Out of the vacuum the "I" came into being. Through transistors and chips the "I" became digitized and dwelt in the mainframes of IBM. In IBM was the CPU – the Central Processing Unit – and the CPU lit up the brains of humans. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
There came a man, whose name was Steve. He came as a witness to manifest the "I," so that all might access the "I" through him. He was not the Light, but he came to bring forth the "i"Mac, the "i"Phone and the "i"Pad, so that all might see the Light.
According to Steve, "He who comes after me has a higher rank than "I," for He existed before me. He is Truth and the center of Truth is "u." Truth revolves around U."
The "I" became "U," and dwelt among us, and we saw its Truth. He came to his own to transform them from "i" into "u." As many as received him, to them He gave the gift to become "u" – children of "U."
The Transformation . . .
i died today.
U were born today.
The seven word epitath, “i died today, u were born today,” rings in a eulogy posted on a Youra website to mark the death of Apple’s founder Steve Jobs.
The eulogy and tribute to Steve Jobs are written by Youra Tarverdi, resident of Silicon Valley, business developer and founder of Youra Network.
According to Youra the visionary’s death signals a transformation from Apple’s iWorld to a new uWorld, a binary switch from “I” to “You.”
“The iVisionary died,” says Youra, “to be transformed into a uVisionary.”
Steve Jobs, the creator of iThings – iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPad and iMac – is laid to rest. His resurrected spirit can be anticipated to be reborn in new incarnations of his creative genius.
As when a Tibetan Dalai Lama dies and Buddhist’s high priests search for his incarnated soul, so the search is joined for the return of the Jobs visionary.
Are you the new Jobs?
According to the founder of Youra Network, the answer is, “Yes, ‘u’ is the new ‘i’. The manifestation of the vision of Jobs is to be found in ‘u’ – the alter ‘you’.”
Apple’s vision lives on. It is passed to a new generation of visioners-in-waiting. The vision multiplies from “one” to “two,” from “one” to “many.”
Youra Tarverdi discovered his Alter Ego in a second Youra, namely Dan Youra, media whiz and owner of Youra.com, with whom he joined forces in a mutual search for the philosopher’s stone.
The two Youra alchemists are transforming Apple’s “i” world into the golden apple of “u” world. This dynamic “You Team” is harvesting the seeds of Steve Jobs growing in the fertile crescent of their new “U” applications.
This transformation from “I” to “You” is observed in the normal development of a baby’s consciousness from “me” to “mother,” in the growth of an individual’s identity from “ego” to “other” and in the expansion of human awareness from “self” to “community.”
While acknowledging the obvious communication values of Apple’s inventions, Tarverdi points out that their main impact is on self gratification for the individual’s ego. Characterized by the white ear buds funneling iTunes between the iPod or iPhone and the brain. Apple’s iMacs and laptops each have one screen to accommodate the eyeballs of the clicker. The Mac’s feline operating systems are alleged to be easier to learn than those developed in Redmond and China. Once mastered, the communication impacts of networked computers are not that different.
Youra Tarverdi was born in the Middle East. Dan Youra was born in the United States. The two Youra’s, following inner visions to transform other worlds, found each other in a discovery of mutual respect and support.
Youra Tarverdi is a peace maker and founder of the World Peace Network. He worked with the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization UNPO, advocating the causes of the dispossessed, disadvantaged, downtrodden and discarded cultures around the globe. He traveled the planet ministering to lost tribes and forgotten cultures.
Dan Youra worked at the United Nations in New York, where he managed the literary digest Current Thought on Peace and War at the UN headquarters,
Youra Tarverdi is a son of Assyrian parents, mideast Christians, descendants of a 6000 year old culture born in the cradle of civilization north of the Euphrates River. By heritage Dan Youra was born to a Bohemian father, a Catholic from Central Europe and to a mother of Germanic culture.
The two Youras worked together to build a global system to support the economic and financial development of peoples from the “the poorest of the poor and the lowest of the low,” as Mother Teresa affectionately called her flock, to the disparate and dispossessed, who live at the fringes and outside of mainstream economic commerce.
The brains of Youra’s computer network is its uOperatingSystem, a highly evolved and elegant CPU developed by Dan Youra over 40 years of working with computers from IBM mainframes to Apple’s iPhones.
The system’s modules are Communications, Network, Organization, Information, Corporate, Mobile and Ego.
Linguistic History of U
The personal pronouns “I” and “You” were two of the first words of early humans.  A person’s identity was bound up in “I”.  Relationships with others were bound up in “you”.  Human language and social behavior grew from the interplay of “I” for one’s self and “u” for others.
In early humans the words “I” and “you” were intrinsically connected to the numbers “1” and “2”.  Early humans counted “one”, “two” - one finger for me, two fingers for “u”. The letter “U” is the dual, the double, the duplicate, the other.
For early humans, the first step beyond “I”, the “one”, was taken at a primary level of thought.  To the awakening consciousness the world is confronted with “self." The “I” is opposed to and distinct from what is “not I”, the “thou”, the other.  Linguistically it is not unlike that the Indo-European number word “duuo” for two is related to the German “du” and the English “thou” for you.
In the primeval dichotomy of the mind, what was “One” before breaks apart into “One” and “Two”.  To an early human, the Two is at first another human, a “living You,” who becomes involved in address and response.  This is echoed in the fact that the grammatical dual survived much longer in personal pronouns than in other classes of words.
Many investigators suspect that in the number words “one, two and three”, are latent roots of the personal pronouns “I, you and they”, or even that the primordial forms of these pronouns actually became the first three number words.
The history of languages’ pronouns resist change.  The letter “u” in the second person pronoun “you” is found linguistically throughout the world and dating back 6,000 years. Indo European languages have “duuo” for “you” and “two”.  Sanscript has “dua”, Hindi, “du”, and Latin, “duo”,
English has “you” for addressing others and “Thou” for addressing God.  French’s “vouz”, Spanish’s “tu” and Italian’s “tutu” come from  Latin’s “tutus”. For “you” Dutch has “u”, Greek, “du”, Old German, “iu”, Gothic “pu” and “jus”.
In Spanish the capitalized “Ud.” or “Usted” is the formal address for “you”.  In Thailand the capital letter “U” is used to address a person, such as U Thant, past Secretary General of the UN.
When it comes to addressing “you”, the “u’s” have it!
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